What if I disagree with a moderation decision?

    If you disagree with a moderation decision you are able to get intouch with support by contacting support@engagementhq.com(External link). While the final moderation decision lies with our moderators, you may indicate to us why you think your contribution should be accepted. In some instances you will be referred to the owner of the website for a final decision.

    Can I report a comment for moderation and will I be anonymous?

    If you feel a comment or contribution to the site is in breach of the moderation rules outlined on this page, you are within your right to alert our moderators. Simply locate the “alert moderator” link near the comment you believe needs to be escalated to our moderation team. Alerting a moderator will not reveal your identity to the person who posted the comment and you will remain anonymous.

    How will I know if I have been blocked from the site?

    If you are repeatedly in breach of our moderation rules you may incur sanctions as outlined above. In the instance that you are blocked from the site, you will receive an email notification informing you of your sanctions and the conditions of those sanctions.

    Is moderation independent of the website owner?

    Yes. Moderation is independent of the owner of the website. There are only two places where on-site moderation occurs. The owner of this website can choose to moderate stories as well as questions asked by participants and answer if they so choose.

    What happens if I comment and it is moderated?

    If you post something to this website that gets moderated (removed), you will receive a notification via email informing you of our decision. You will be informed as to which of the moderations rules you are in breach of and asked to review and resubmit your contribution.

    What is the purpose of Meeting Place?

    The purpose of Meeting Place is to engage, share information and communicate with our stakeholders on healthcare related projects in western Victoria. Western Victoria PHN wants local stakeholders to play a greater role in shaping some of the investment in local system innovations. Western Victoria PHN receives government funding to work with key stakeholders to plan, coordinate, and support population based health services, focusing on addressing gaps in service provision, ‘at risk’ populations and improved service integration. It is important to understand this platform is not a healthcare services site but an educational, information sharing and communications platform.  For information on primary healthcare providers in western Victoria please click: https://www.westvicphn.com.au/health-professionals/health-resources/health-professional-lists#allied-health-lists