Ballarat Suicide Prevention Place Based Trial Community Engagement

Consultation has concluded

A Networked Approach for the Ballarat Suicide Prevention Placed Based Trial

As you may be aware a Networked Approach is being used to progress the Ballarat Suicide Prevention Placed Based Trial.

A Networked Approach involves a series of foundational elements to activate a broader organisational and community response.

A Networked Approach further supports understanding and capturing the collective effort of participants towards shared goals and outcomes.

The Ballarat Suicide Prevention Place Based Trial (BSPPBT) Networked Approach Includes:

  • A collective purpose articulated through a shared strategy
  • An outcomes framework
  • A communications platform
  • A governance structure

The BSPPBT Leadership Group is in the process of forming as all networks need leadership. Leadership in a Networked Approach combines the best of both a hierarchical structure along with emergent mini team/ networks and groups. To date, collective leadership meetings, have identified four clear values collaborative members of the Ballarat Suicide Prevention Community are in agreement with on behalf of the Ballarat Community:

  • Lead – we demonstrate change by doing it in our own organisations. We listen to those affected by suicide and make sure we are doing the right things.

  • Inform– we use data and information to inform our decision making. Once we make a decision we use evidence based best practice to make the necessary change.

  • Collaborate– we work interdependently on shared solutions, gaining strength from each other, but not shying away from our own responsibilities. We find, strength in and listen to networks of influence.

  • Generate – we unleash the abilities of those who want to make a difference. We help people and organisations to identify their own roles and responsibilities and how each contribution moves us closer to our collective goals.

The Leadership Group will share with the Ballarat Community (when finalised) the shared BSPPT vision and further development and prioritisation of the Trial’s goals and measures.

The group to date have identified a strong desire to:

  1. To break down the barriers for people to prevent suicide and access support.

  2. To build knowledge and understanding of suicide prevention in Ballarat.

  3. To enable recognition (identification) and the response required for people at risk of suicide.

A Networked Approach for the Ballarat Suicide Prevention Placed Based Trial

As you may be aware a Networked Approach is being used to progress the Ballarat Suicide Prevention Placed Based Trial.

A Networked Approach involves a series of foundational elements to activate a broader organisational and community response.

A Networked Approach further supports understanding and capturing the collective effort of participants towards shared goals and outcomes.

The Ballarat Suicide Prevention Place Based Trial (BSPPBT) Networked Approach Includes:

  • A collective purpose articulated through a shared strategy
  • An outcomes framework
  • A communications platform
  • A governance structure

The BSPPBT Leadership Group is in the process of forming as all networks need leadership. Leadership in a Networked Approach combines the best of both a hierarchical structure along with emergent mini team/ networks and groups. To date, collective leadership meetings, have identified four clear values collaborative members of the Ballarat Suicide Prevention Community are in agreement with on behalf of the Ballarat Community:

  • Lead – we demonstrate change by doing it in our own organisations. We listen to those affected by suicide and make sure we are doing the right things.

  • Inform– we use data and information to inform our decision making. Once we make a decision we use evidence based best practice to make the necessary change.

  • Collaborate– we work interdependently on shared solutions, gaining strength from each other, but not shying away from our own responsibilities. We find, strength in and listen to networks of influence.

  • Generate – we unleash the abilities of those who want to make a difference. We help people and organisations to identify their own roles and responsibilities and how each contribution moves us closer to our collective goals.

The Leadership Group will share with the Ballarat Community (when finalised) the shared BSPPT vision and further development and prioritisation of the Trial’s goals and measures.

The group to date have identified a strong desire to:

  1. To break down the barriers for people to prevent suicide and access support.

  2. To build knowledge and understanding of suicide prevention in Ballarat.

  3. To enable recognition (identification) and the response required for people at risk of suicide.