Trial Outcomes
Consultation has concluded
Without relevant outcomes, we cannot determine what has been meaningful to the community. Identifying the effectiveness and efficiencies of the activities is an important step of the overall trial. To support this a specific set of outcomes has been developed. These outcomes have been formed as a result of consultations from the leadership group, a review of relevant and available data, and key aspects of the trial activities.
Not all activities will be directly aligned to activities as the outcomes framework is wider piece of work that will support the trial as a whole and designed to section out the individual activities. The recommendations and learnings from the trial will support the framework and be an evidence piece of work that informs future service commissioning and a reference document for the regional plan.
- Reduction in deaths from suicide in Ballarat region
- Reduction in the number of suicide attempts in Ballarat region
The aims and intentions of the Place Based Trial are consistent across the state, Ballarat and Great South Coast included.
Primary outcomes are long-term outcome statements to which the trials, along with many other initiatives, would be contributing to; (for example, are not solely attributable to the trial activities). There may not be any change during the lifetime of the trials due to the time required to shift progress on these measures, and time for data to be available. It can take years to see a decline in the number of suicide deaths and attempts.
Secondary outcomes are then aligned to 5 domains, each domain then had individual outcomes that align, making up a collective impact approach.
The project was undertaken separately for each of our trial sites, Ballarat and the Great South Coast, each of the trial sites has developed outcomes that are synced and aligned to the overall aim of the trials, irrelevant to location.
The listed outcomes are available in the documents section of this page.
Each of the trial activities is required to complete progress reports, gather project data, self-evaluate the project and produce a final report that includes any participant feedback (where appropriate).
A final measure will be a commissioned report that reviews all trial aspects including activities, consultations with project suppliers, consumers and leadership group members will be developed. This will allow us to review the activities and trial works across each of the outcomes individually and as a collective for the trial site. Outlining learnings, potential recommendations, activity reach and community impact.
Below is a series of questionnaires that help us understand our community members and services directly related to the outcomes. Go to the documents section and review the outcomes in our framework, then please take some time to complete any of these that you feel are appropriate for you.