Chronic Conditions Co-design in western Victoria

Consultation has concluded

Help shape primary health services for people with chronic conditions in western Victoria

Western Victoria PHN (WVPHN) wants to work with people with lived experience1, carers1 and service providers2 to design and develop improved and refocused primary health care services for people with chronic conditions.

Western Victoria's communities have an important opportunity to work with us to help shape and inform the design and development of services funded by WVPHN.

This work is part of WVPHN’s commitment to support the delivery of patient-focused health services to communities in our region – including rural and remote communities

Help shape primary health services for people with chronic conditions in western Victoria

Western Victoria PHN (WVPHN) wants to work with people with lived experience1, carers1 and service providers2 to design and develop improved and refocused primary health care services for people with chronic conditions.

Western Victoria's communities have an important opportunity to work with us to help shape and inform the design and development of services funded by WVPHN.

This work is part of WVPHN’s commitment to support the delivery of patient-focused health services to communities in our region – including rural and remote communities – and ensuring those services commissioned by WVPHN are provided to communities with greatest need.

Chronic conditions support services may include (but are not limited to) general practice, physiotherapy, counselling, exercise physiology, occupational therapy, and podiatry. Examples of chronic health conditions are diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), dementia, and asthma.

1People with lived experience are those living within our community who have been diagnosed with one or more chronic conditions. For example, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma. This also includes people who support or care for family members or friends with a chronic condition.

2Service providers are those working in health services or general practices and associated services in the community who provide primary health services for people with chronic conditions.

Getting involved

Over coming months, we invite you to engage with the WVPHN Project Team to firstly share your experience with primary health care services for chronic conditions in western Victoria and then to participate in the design and development of services.

Phase 1 – Share Your Experience - Completed

Your experience and knowledge of primary health care services for chronic conditions in western Victoria is important. We invite interested members of the community and people working in community service or health services to tell us your story.

This information will help us gain a better picture of what currently works and what needs improvement as we move forward.

Phase 2 - Development and Design

Face to face and online sessions will be held across July

For further information and to register follow the link below

Service Redesign session information and registrations

Before participating

Please read the following documents and information:

  • How will my information be used here
  • What if my participation includes a difficult experience?
    • Sharing a difficult experience can be upsetting. Before deciding to participate you may wish to read the following here. Help and support services are listed on the top right of this page.

What if I am unable to attend the online workshops?

  • Share your story online here
  • Fill out our online survey here
  • Register to participate in a short phone interview here

Please note

  • You can edit your screen name here.
  • The project is monitored and we will not publish material which breaks the Terms and Conditions.
  • Inappropriate comments will be removed in line with the Moderation policy.
Discussions: All (3) Open (3)
  • Working Well

    over 3 years ago

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    Please tell us what is working well with primary health services for chronic conditions in western Victoria. 

    Your comments will be visible to everyone who has registered for Meeting Place and Western Victoria PHN staff listed under 'Who's listening'. You can edit your screen name here.

    Click here to read how your information will be used.

  • Challenges

    over 3 years ago

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

    What is not working well with primary health services for chronic conditions in western Victoria? 

    Your comments will be visible to everyone who has registered for Meeting Place and Western Victoria PHN staff listed under 'Who's listening'. You can edit your screen name here.

    Click here to read how your information will be used.

  • Anything Else?

    over 3 years ago

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

    Is there anything else you would like to discuss?

    Your comments will be visible to everyone who has registered for Meeting Place and Western Victoria PHN staff listed under 'Who's listening'. You can edit your screen name here.

    Click here to read how your information will be used.