Trial Partners

The Ballarat Place Based Suicide Prevention Trial is overseen by a community Leadership Group with representatives from:

  • Ambulance Victoria
  • Ballarat Community Health
  • Ballarat City Council
  • Ballarat Health Services, Area Mental Health Services
  • Community members with lived experience
  • Federation University
  • headspace
  • Lifeline
  • St John of God
  • Uniting Ballarat
  • Victoria Police
  • Wellways

Additional support to develop Trial activities was provided by:

  • Ballarat and District Aboriginal Corporation
  • Ballarat Suicide Prevention Network
  • Child and Family Services Ballarat
  • Compassionate Ballarat
  • Federation University
  • headspace
  • State Emergency Service
  • WDEA Works
  • Central Highlands Primary Care Partnership

These representatives have given their time and expertise to support this trial. Western Victoria PHN would like to acknowledge and thank them for their significant contributions

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